Photography has followed me my whole life. My Dad likes to tell the story about my first photograph, I was two or three years old and our Bassett hound Jesse was playing in the yard, my Dad handed me his old Canon film camera, I pointed and clicked off my first frame. My Dad was amazed to receive the print back and find that the picture I took was in perfect focus of Jesse. Neither of us knew that day that a passion for capturing moments of time, life’s little details would take hold of me that day.
When I am not out capturing your story I am a full time pricing specialist and more importantly full time husband to my beautiful wife, Alison. Having recently purchased our first home we spend a lot of weekends making it ours. Other times you will find us exploring our beautiful city and state as well as traveling the country and globe!
It took 27 years of making silly childhood movies with a video camera and taking cell phone pictures to excite this passion again. I specialize in capturing the intimate details of individuals and families in their everyday lives. Through engagements, weddings, maternity, newborn or birthday milestones. All of life’s little moments are special and I want the images we create together to capture that magic. Oh did I forget to mention I also photography real estate? Yes, even a home has a story to tell. This is my goal with every session, to tell your story.